Of ouchies, miscreants, and awesome fangirls

Jun 29, 2010 20:41

For the record… root canals *suck*

I'm in the process of having my first done and had heard varying stories from other victims patients of said ordeal procedure. Everything from, "Oh, God, it's hell!" to, "piece of cake".

Well, I had the first stage of the process last Wednesday and, though the aftermath was uncomfortable and far from a piece of cake, I was leaning toward "not all that bad". Not knowing how I'd react, I'd booked a morning appointment and took the whole day off. Fast forward to today and step 2 of the process, this time I'd booked an afternoon appointment so I wouldn't miss as much work and felt confident I'd be feeling fine tonight. *Wrong!* I don't know what was so different this time but within 15 minutes of coming home, I was close to tears and I'm still hurting, though the Tylenol 3 I was prescribed has started to take the edge off. Ugh! I just hope it feels considerably better by morning because I really need to be functional at work tomorrow!

Am I being a total wimp?

I still have 2 more steps to suffer go through yet too! I get a filling next time (and they can't fit me in until July 21st which is ridiculous) and, sometime afterward, a crown. Wow, what a fun summer I have to look forward to!!!

Summer's already been bizarre… last week, just after a thoroughly lovely lunch with deangirl1  in her city (almost 2 hours from mine), I got back to my vehicle only to discover that the damn thing had been broken into -- passenger window smashed and my GPS and a few CDs stolen! In broad daylight, in a busy downtown public parking lot of all places! Well, to say I was rattled was an understatement. Of course my cell phone wasn't holding its charge but luckily it had enough juice left for me to call deangirl1  and, bless her heart, she came to my rescue. I don't know my way around her city at all (hence the GPS) and am so eternally grateful that she was willing to help, starting with lending me her cell so I could call some repair shops and hopefully find someone willing to do a same-day job. Actually, technically, she lent me her hubby first… by calling him for me and getting him to Google some numbers/addresses for us. Thankfully, deangirl1 led the way to the shop since my brain was not functioning in any way to comprehend the directions I'd been given. It didn't help that with every bump along the way, additional bits of window fell into my vehicle and I was cringing every time.

Segueing here for a moment…
It's a relatively new vehicle (to me) too, which added to my degree of upset. Back in February, my darling hubby managed to total my 6 year old Safari van whilst on his way to feed his caffeine addiction. Thankfully no one was hurt (he had 4 of our dogs with him) but the airbag deployed and, given the mileage and age of the vehicle, after 3 weeks of deliberation, TPTB decided to write the damn thing off. I was definitely annoyed… we'd only paid it off 6 months earlier! Anyway, the blow of that news was ultimately softened by me falling madly in love with the 2007 Envoy we test-drove the first night of replacement vehicle shopping. Though I did take out other vehicles over the next week or so, my heart had already been won over by the Envoy. After 14 years of driving mini-vans, I was finally graduating from soccer mom to yuppie and buying a SUV! It may not be a Ferrari, or even a '67 Impala, but when you've been driving the beasts I've been carting the dogs around in for all these years, that Envoy feels like one sexy vehicle LOL.  / segue

Anyway, once we got it to the autoglass repair shop and were told it would be a few hours to fix, deangirl1  once again came to the rescue, giving up her rest-of-the-day plans and taking me over to the local and lovely market to kill some time. Thanks for that too, hon! You are a saint!! {{{hugs}}}

Once I returned, Jeff, the extremely helpful and sympathetic guy running the shop, introduced me to another customer -- another victim of the same crime "spree" who'd coincidentally taken her vehicle there too. From her I learned that the little reprobate had been caught. Red-handed with 3 GPS's on his person, one of which was mine. What was I saying above about "In broad daylight, in a busy downtown public parking lot of all places!" Turns out we truly weren't dealing with a rocket scientist!

By the time I got this news, the arresting constable was off shift so it was the next day before I spoke with him. Turns out Constable Charles Dennison is a foot cop and, while on his patrol, he caught sight of 2 young men, who happen to be repeat small-time offenders, with suspicious looking loot in their possession. One of them took off but the other knew the jig was up and was arrested. I got more of the story from Constable "Chuck" when I drove back to deangirl1 's town to claim my GPS (the CDs are history) this past Saturday. The other kid had been picked up but was released the next day on a nightly curfew (uh, he commits robbery during the day, folks, WTF?) but the cooperating kid was still in lock-up thanks to apparently having hit my constable with a set of bolt-cutters during a prior arrest. Any sympathy I might have felt for the kid's plight evaporated at that point.

So, between smash 'n grabs and dentistry, my summer hasn't started off particularly well. On the very bright side, deangirl1  showed me once again just how awesome internet friends can turn out to be and I can't say THANK-YOU enough to her for that terrific lunch and her subsequent rescuing and figurative hand-holding offered me all afternoon. You are a super lady, lady!

I've been so inactive on lj lately, who'd a thunk I'd be so chatty tonight? Blame it on the gum pain making me jittery, I guess. Or the codeine LOL! Being so quiet has apparently caused me to forget even the simplest of lj html coding so, after 3 failed attempts at trying to embed a picture in an earlier comment elsewhere, I've decided to sign off this entry by sharing it with y'all. Keeps me in practice, plus I think it's a damn cute shot...

This would be my hubby, before he was my hubby (when we were living in sin) and prior to our house being infected by tribbles multiple Jack Russells. Here he is, roughly 19 years ago, snoozing in the dog room with my old beloved Heeler, Cody and, if you squint you can see our first JRT Kelsey lying behind hubs' shoulder along the back of the couch, claiming the sun-beam as had always been her M.O.

That's all for now - here's hoping SPN season 6 might inspire my muse and give you something fictional from me you might actually want to read instead of this ramble ;) Take care!

ramblings, fandom, dogs, real life, photographs

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