Patrick Swayze was one of my first major actor crushes, long before I ever saw Dirty Dancing or Ghost. I cried for his character Gary Sturgis in a 1981 episode of M*A*S*H and religiously watched the short-lived The Renegades because of his "Bandit" - the character he'd played in the 1982 TV movie of the same name. 1983 gave him to me in Uncommon
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I'm sorry, since this is such a terribly sad subject but, re-read what you wrote me here but put that in the context of me having just sent you my comments about hubby taking care of our dogs' glands and me assuming when I opened your message in email that you were replying to that conversation and not this Patrick one.
Good thing I didn't have a drink in my hand ;).
With apologies to Patrick... who, I honestly think would have gotten a real chuckle out of my misunderstanding and not be upset by it
Glad you got a laugh out of it too :D
Oh I did-I did! *Smothers a grin* :D
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