Vacation: Take two

Aug 02, 2009 19:32

So my last visit to Colorado back around New Years ended on a sour note. Nothing like food poisoning to cheer up your mood and make you a fun guy to be around. So when Strill prodded me to show up at the Rocky Mountain Fur Convention, I figured, "Why the hell not?"

I decided to take the entire week off. Leaving for Colorado on Tuesday, I should show up in time to help Strill and her roommates move into their new apartment. From then until Friday, my schedule is... open. :] Hopefully I'll get the chance to socialize with the awesome people up there and work in some scenic driving. I was going to go to Pike's Peak last time until the food poisoning house ridden me for a few days. I'm going back to conquer that bitch. :D

In preparation I decided to do the brakes on the Malibu. The front rotors were warped and caused a nasty steering wheel wobble once the brakes were warm. Just something I didn't need while descending Pike's Peak. The rotors were a snap to change and did fix the wobble, but the car still kinda shuddered to a stop. Something you felt more in the seat. So today I changed out the rear rotors since they didn't look too hot from the outside:

Overall, not bad. Definitely showing the lack of quality in newer cars today. Whether it is corrosion or poor material quality, the rotors weren't wearing well. Let's see how the backside came out:

HOLY SHIT! I've never seen anything like this! Corrosion be damned, this rotor is shit! Sad thing is, both of them were this way. Not surprisingly, the inside brake pad is nearly worn out. Thankfully there is just enough to safely get me to Colorado and back, but new pads all around are in order.

Hopefully this will net a few extra MPG. I know the car doesn't shake like it did before while stopping, but the shudder is still there. I have to wonder if one of the hubs aren't true, but I have to pay attention to feel it so I'm not doing anything further to correct that problem.

I also attempted to install an iPod adapter in the car today. I figure it'd be nice for the drive. :P Granted, the kit wasn't intended for my car. Guess what? It didn't work! I shaved a connector on one of the adapter cables to make it plug in, but the adapter box wouldn't talk to my radio. Thankfully the company does make the correct cable for my car. I just had to order it. It won't arrive in time for my trip. :P

So, in the grand scheme of things. I can expected to be hard to get a hold of for the next week. Catch you guys later. ;)
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