This weekend was pretty fun. Earlier this week I was invited to a small paintball match by one of the students from the robotics team I mentored. A few members were there, the rest were friends of theirs from high school. I got to teach them engineering. Now I got to teach them pain. ;)
We played for about the first half of the day. I kept fogging up my glasses all the time so during the last few matches I just played without them. I couldn't recognize faces, but being only 6 people in all it wasn't hard to track who was on my team. I only managed to get two people out though, thanks to my vision impairment keeping me from advancing much. :P However, we did play a game where two guys would stand about 30 yards apart and take single shots at each other. If you hit the other guy, they got a chance to hit you, otherwise they're out. I gave and received the most hits doing that. One round being a Tippmann shoot off between myself and another guy. We went 8 rounds. :P
You can see a picture of the best welt I received behind the cut. Right on the collar bone!
The rest of the day I looked at cars with a friend of mine who is shopping around. We then went to his apartment, smoked a cigar, had some rum and coke, then went out to each at a steakhouse and came back to watch a movie. Good times. 8)
Today I spent sitting around and studying C++. Thrilling. :P
Doesn't hurt one bit.