-Title: Fluff ‘n’ stuff [STANDALONE]
-Band/Pairing: MCR - Gerard / Mikey
-Author: Me -->
maxwelldeamon-Rating: PG-13
-Summary: Hyper Mikey cheers up Gerard, fluffy Waycest.
-Authors note: People - if you ever do something completely stupid, think of me. I wrote this fic, read through, spell check and everything. And then do you know what I did? I closed it. By accident. Without saving it. I could have kicked myself. I had to go back and rewrite it quickly before I forgot it. *is such a loser* I amaze myself with my own stupidity sometimes! Anyway comments are ♥ Hope you enjoy! (and also…I am incapable of coming up with titles.)
-Dedications: Everyone who has read/reviewed any of my fics :)