So the weekend is done and dusted and it sure was interesting. The goth boat cruise on Saturday night was excellent but finished a little early for my tastes. Still, 300 goths on a boat cruising up and down the Thames must have been some sight for those on the bridges we passed under. I got to dance a bit, hang out with all the lovely people and most importantly loiter on the arm of the gorgeous
gigib. It was a truly great night.
There was loads going on in London this weekend - significantly the Open House weekend and Thames Festival. Sadly I only managed to get to one place on this my debut Open House but it was cool. A work colleague was ushering at Mary Ward House and I hooked up with another workmate after. I must do more places next year as I enjoyed this one, quite a charming building with some interesting history.
The Thames Festival left me pretty cold though I have to say. It sounds like in past years it's been a cornucopia of interesting and quirky acts showcasing the London's interesting past. What I found however was throngs of people getting in my way, annoying tat stalls and worst of all these people selling annoying buzzing magnetic stones (I first encountered these human pigeons in Madrid earlier this year). I returned later to enjoy the fireworks across the Thames in the evening though and I'm glad I did - they were pretty spectacular.
I did Manage to get a little comic shopping done on Saturday and picked up an interesting book called Superman - Red Son. I normally prefer non-superhero stuff and Superman is generally the worst of them. This one intrigued me though as it's a re-imagining of the character in which The Man of Steel grows up in Communist Russia during the cold war. I've nearly finished it now and it has been pretty enjoyable. A nice what if? scenario (umm, like most comic books I guess but hey).
In strict Cionfidence playing at Slimelight on Friday which should be great. Then Soman on Saturday! It's going to be a big one and I'm glad I've booked next Monday off work.
It's been a while since the last double-weekender. Rock on.