Oct 19, 2006 16:26
Havent' used livejournal in a while, so i thought i'd copy and paste the blog from myspace on here, no?
today i took my midterm for art class, i was pretty anxious (though it may not have seen like it since i watched two futurama episodes with gora last night) and wasnt sure if i was going to do well, i feel like i did allright, there's no way i failed. of the 5 slides i had only really studied one of them, but the other three we had gone over in class quite a bit, and the 5th one, well, we'll see how that goes.
the new place is good, the girl can be a total cunt, she sells bracelets and purses on the street (hippy) which is respectable since she makes her own shit, but the fact that she's a hippy and her dictator/mom way to go about things are two bad combinations, cause i think "fucking hippy" u know?
well i yelled at her face as she was yelling at mine (real mature i know, but it was the last straw). gora understands my side and it isn't a big deal, cause he argues with her all the time, this was my first.
school seems fine so far, i need to start working on my thesis real soon, i have a somewhat focused idea of what i want to do, i have to speak with the director.
we're finally out of medieval times!!
i've been reading cervantez, cela, tormes, celestina, (a bunch of theorists and critics ergh) which is waaay better then freaking cid and medieval poems. the performance class continues to be really abstract and no one is really sure what is going on, but the readings are interesting (lots of aztec rituals and such) and meeting once a week (for about2.5hrs) is much better for me, cause i'm done on thursday by 2 !!
i won't be going out till january, it's impossible. i have enough to eat and pay my rent, but that's it. i can just get drunk and hang out in my house. i like it, i feel comfortable here even when the hippy is around. gora is a cool guy and i can have people (and guys) over without feeling weird cause a 3 year old is roaming around the house. the view is pretty swell and the metro/train station is next to me. this, the metro/train station is a fucking adventure every morning. its so tight in there that you never know who your body is going to be pressed against. you can tell people are making sure not to touch other people (which is normal i suppose) but you can also tell those that are comfortable. this guy had his hand up against my fucking thigh today, really close to my cock, i have to admit i got a bit excited and so i raised my backpack a bit to cover it. when the train would move abruptly, you'd think this guy would change the position of his hand or something, but no. he kept it there...really close, next to my hand-touching it, the hand that was covering my cock. well two stations later he had to move towards the back and he looked at me longingly, sorry guy, nothing i could do.
i've also been hugged by hot young business man, and this other guy (when i lived in arguelles) literally started groping himself and "pumping" his legs. he was also standing up...huge package!
so despite the many shit things that have happened in madrid, i'm having a good time, i went to granada the weekend before last and didnt call him. i miss him...still. i do. a lot.fuck. :-/
no phone as of now, so people will just have to contact me through email or messanger or something...i don't think i want to buy one just yet though, maybe i'll wait till december for that too, bwa hahaha
tomorrow i have to go to museo de las americas, mandatory. for art class.
...never ends.