Sermon #455
[This sermon was recorded in 2021 but was never released. In an effort to complete the Prophets & Kings series from that Summer, we are going back and releasing these sermons in 2024.]
In our series so far, we've only seen the good in David. He is faithful to God, he is faithful to Saul even when Saul wants to kill him, and he is faithful to the people of Israel. But something changes here in chapter 11 of 2 Samuel. He changes his routine, and suddenly temptation hits him and he gives into it in a disastrous way. He even tries to cover up his sin and becomes even more entangled. What we can learn from David is that we can resist temptation, but when we are weak there comes a certain point where we are powerless and sin is inevitable. Therefore we must be diligent in our relationship with God and intentional in our study of His word and our worship of Him. David's sin was avoidable. The consequences of that sin were not.
2 Samuel 11:1-15
Recorded at Hudson UMC on July 25, 2021 (Previously unpublished)
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