Sermon #591
We conclude our brief Epiphany series on Transfiguration Sunday and we hear the words of God the Father as he declares to the disciples, "This is my beloved son; listen to him." But what does it mean to listen to Christ? Since 2007 there has been a movement among Christians called "Red-letter Christianity," which emphasizes the words that Christ spoke over all else. This declaration might seem to affirm that theology, but in reality, the words of Christ carry the same weight as all the word of God, all 66 books of the Bible, which we understand is inspired (God-breathed) and inerrant (without contradiction or error). Jesus, as the second Person of the Trinity, could not contradict scripture, and so we listen to him AS we listen to the rest of Scripture, because he carries the authority of the word of God in the flesh.
Mark 9:2-9
Recorded at Hudson UMC on February 11, 2024
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