Sermon #556
Today from Matthew's gospel we read how the gospel writer himself is called by Jesus right out of the tax collector's booth. We see how Jesus associates with tax collectors and sinners, much to the chagrin of the ultra-religious Pharisees. And we see how Jesus heals a woman afflicted for 12 years without even touching her, and how he raises a dead girl to life. How are all these things connected? Just like Matthew, the woman, and the little girl, we are dead in our sins until we encounter Jesus, who raises us to life as well. Jesus is still in the business of healing the sick and he is raising the dead to life every day. We can witness these miracles if we just take the time to open our eyes and see them.
Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
Recorded at Ebenezer UMC on June 11, 2023
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