S9E37: God Raised Him (We Are Witnesses pt. 1)

Apr 19, 2022 07:00

Sermon #494

For the season of Easter we are starting a new series called "We Are Witnesses" based on Acts 10:39, in which Peter tells the Cornelius and his family, "[W]e are witnesses of all that [Jesus] did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem." From Luke's account of the resurrection, we see how the women are witnesses to the disciples that Christ has been raised from the dead. We find that witnesses first of all see, hear, or experience something that others do not, and they also tell others what they know. A witness tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as per our legal parlance. So what is it that we know that others do not? What can we witness about Jesus and His love?

Luke 24:1-12

Recorded at Ebenezer UMC on April 17, 2022

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god, resurrection, methodist, sermon, christianity, preacher, jesus, gospel, christ, religion, easter, faith, witness, salvation, bible, grace, evangelism

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