S9E23: Hold Firmly (Love Never Ends: Being the Body of Christ pt. 5)
Sermon #482
We've been looking at what it means to be the body of Christ. We started by observing the baptism of Christ and remembering our own baptism, the start of our membership in the body. We turned our attention to the letter Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, and we began by looking at the spiritual gifts we are given to edify and build up the body. Last time we looked at Agape, the godly form of love that is impossible to attain apart from the Spirit of God living in us. Today we return to our roots as Christians. What is the common ground for all members of the body? What is it that brought us to the body? It is the proclamation of the gospel. And in our post-modern era, we find it more and more difficult to share the good news to a world that is increasingly ambivalent toward Christianity as a religion. But as we will see, it is our duty and imperative to preach the gospel, not just with our lives, but with our words.
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Recorded at Hudson UMC on February 6, 2022
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