S8E34: Restored and Vindicated (Christmas 2014)

Dec 31, 2020 07:00

When we come to Christ we fulfill our potential as image-bearers of God. But without receiving and using the gift of salvation we are like an unopened present, whose value goes unrealized. God beckons us to him and when we respond and receive the gift, He restores us to the original image in which He created us, and we are then given a new heart with new desires. Isaiah's prophetic vision shows us the heart of God as it pertains to us - not a rigid system of rules but a tender and compassionate heart of love.

Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Recorded at Hudson UMC on December 28, 2014 (Previously unpublished)

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sin, transformation, righteousness, god, conversion, christmas, methodist, sermon, christianity, preacher, jesus, gospel, christ, prophet, religion, faith, salvation, holiness, bible, grace

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