Why do good things happen to bad people? Why do bad things happen to good people? These are some of the questions that confound people, believers and non-believers alike. What we see in the account of Jesus' healing of a man born blind is that God can use both good situations and bad for the benefit of those who love him, and for his own glory. Every healing Jesus performed resulted in the glorification of God the Father, and this blindness, we are told, is so that God would be glorified. Trouble is, the religious people of the day were themselves so blind that they couldn't see the glory of God in this miracle. Could we fall into that same trap today?
This message was preached originally during Lent of 2014, but its message is pertinent to us today, when there are so many people asking if we are being punished for our sin by COVID-19. What does God's word tell us about the nature of suffering, and what is God's response to it?
John 9:1-41
Recorded at Ebenezer UMC on March 30, 2014 (Previously unpublished)
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