S4E01: Have You Told Anyone? (Seven Vows pt. 7)

Jun 12, 2019 07:19

We come to the end of our sermon series based upon the baptismal vows of the United Methodist Church, and we come also to the biggest baptism recorded in the Bible. Pentecost was a Jewish holy day and feast celebrating the harvest, but on this particular Pentecost the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and they went out into the streets of Jerusalem proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. In our baptismal vows, we look at the five vows we make when we join the local church - to uphold it with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. And on this Pentecost Sunday we focus on our witness, and how we can tell the good news with courage and conviction, especially in today's increasingly secular society. So grab your Bible, turn it to Acts chapter 2, and prepare your heart and mind as we answer the question, have you told anyone?

Acts 2:1-21

Recorded at Hudson UMC on May 15, 2016 (Pentecost Sunday) (First aired on July 4, 2016)

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acts, god, conversion, methodist, christianity, sermon, jesus, gospel, christ, religion, holy spirit, faith, witness, salvation, bible, baptism, peter, evangelism, pentecost

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