Sometimes... too much to drink is barely enough (and fic)

Aug 08, 2011 00:38

*In regards to a new FFVIII 1-sentence set,

Cherry Smash, because I made the horrible (this will only end in someone getting fucked up) mistake of buying the Silver Book of Cocktails.

The Necessaries:

4 Ranier Cherries
4 Cherries
4 Strawberries
2 oz. Rum
1 cup of soda water (we only had Crystal light...which was a terribly awesome idea)
1 cup of heavy cream (I used prickly pear sherbet)


Quarter the fruit (and pit those cherries)
A. Add into blender:
1) Rum
2) Soda water
3) Quartered fruit
4) Heavy cream/ice cream

B. Pulse until fruit is incorporated (4 pulses worked here)

C. Blend until smooth

D. Add to Collins glasses, top with chopped strawberries

In other news, damn, I'm having a fantastic month!

Because of the following:

1) Job-hunting! And yes, plainrea, I'm looking in Lexington. I have six prospects there too. And family, so I know I can crash somewhere if a position is acquired. Since I'm only keeping the publicist position warm until the NYC office finds one, hell yes, I'm looking. Other areas are of course D.C. (because svelterose was speechless when I told her where I applied there.), Cincinnati, Dayton, C-bus, and Chicago

2) By the way, and the part that pretty much made this month rock: David and Jenn have officially moved to the Outer Banks.

Needless to say, I'm pretty fucking happy about it. The little idiot honestly thinks she's going down there to play house. Which, while everyone else ignores this fact, it makes the immediate family laugh their asses off.

Because David has a line of credit and no concept of a budget. This will be one hell of an eye-opener. And this is exactly why I kept my mouth shut since last October. *smirks*

3) Oh yes, I turn 26! Here, have some blurbs!

#03 - Wishes

"If wishes were chocobos," Rinoa groused and froze.

"You'd have a whole herd," Squall whispered against her ear, pressing a kiss to her neck before she finally relaxed.

#08 - Whiskey and rum


She smelled it, but she couldn't see it.

Something wet splashed against her front, stinging when it ran over open wounds. Droplets slid down her face but she didn't dare taste it.

It smelled like rum.

"Wakey, wakey, Trepe," a low voice, gravel against her nerves was the last thing she ever needed to hear.

#09 - War

Flopping back against cool bedsheets, Garden Commander Squall Leonhart stared up at the metallic ceiling, squinting against the dorm's bright lights.

Sometimes, he actually missed war. At least he'd have an excuse to not be chained to a desk.

#12 - Blessing

Rinoa glared at the training center's latest footage, watching her knight tussel with someone the rest of the gang viewed as a sister.

Except a part of her, the part of her that she shoved into a tiny box, taped up with massive amounts of duct tape, wrapped in chains and another steel box and shoved it far back into her consciousness daringly whispered "sisterly love...and Angelo's a cat."

#15 - Breathing*

"So tell me, my dear Instructor," the tip of Hyperion grazed the skin of her neck, coming to rest underneath the cleft of her chin. Gentle pressure was all it took to get Quistis Trepe to lift her head and stare Seifer in the face.

"You could be my Sorceress," he spoke, conviction in his words as he stood in front of her, gunblade lowered to his side. "Just say yes."

"," her voice and breathing labored as she could feel her body protesting, screaming against being strung up by her arms and dangling mere inches above the floor.

If they were still in Balamb, she'd be forced to give him high marks for torture, as he was certainly excelling in trying to break her.

Green eyes caught blue as he slowly dragged her vest's zipper low, exposing the utilitarian bra underneath.

Long fingers tucked in a piece of paper before caressing the sweat-coated flesh.

"You were always so beautiful, my dear Instructor," Seifer sighed before breaking into pained laughter and walking behind her, a hand at her waist as he lead her body into a twist, only to let her go and let her spin.

Her vision blackened around the edges as she slowed to a stop.

Callused fingers caressed her neck as warmth heated up her wounded back. The feeling was almost soothing, but this being Seifer -

A hand ran down the still-fresh whip wounds. "You know, Quistis, there was a time when I would have happily done that for you."

She didn't have to see her Save-the-Queen to know that he was tracing the lacerations with the handle.

Quistis strained against the momentum, but a cry of pure pain escape regardless.

"Sadly, your time is up," he whispered before cracking her own weapon against her back once more.

In my head, Seifer is an asshole post-game.

*Because firestar9mm was right, not all tension is sexual.


She always likened it to lava flowing just slow enough to be noticed before the heat engulfed her and turned the air red then white hot.

The spells used to hurt due to lack of control, but now, as the flames played againt the barrier spell on her flesh like a lover's caress, she had no problem controlling the magic.

No problem making evil burn.

A glance toward the decrepit wall told the flames where to start. Fire erupted, yellow hot against wood that failed the test of time.

Now it failed against her strength.

That bastard knew she hunted him, finally felt his cancerous presence in her city.

Ice cold clenched her neck.

Her flames found an unintended target and sought their orders.

She walked out of the burning building, slowly, with purpose, only stopping when she was a block away from the now raging blaze. "Burn it all," she uttered, only to cringe when screaming rose above the hungry roar of the flames.

Oh God.

She reeled against the wave of agony flooding through her. Silvery-blue eyes snapped wild before fading to a more human blue, she stared at the now multiple burning buildings and blinked against the rising nausea.

She checked those wards before chasing him in there! They were still inactive until either of the mages crossed the threshold.

The screams died when the building buckled and imploded on itself.

Biting her lip, she tapped the earbud in her right ear, her voice ragged when a melodious baritone answered.

"Tomas... fuck... I killed a civilian."

life, career, karma, ffviii, original, fic

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