Smut post! *Really just bits* W Juliet

Oct 20, 2005 15:45

Can you tell these are leftover from Promo. Materials?

1. She shifted around the fullness, wary of the dancing eyes that watched her curiously as she felt herself stretch and conform to his shape. Ito felt the blush slam into her just as soon as Mako lifted his hips with a smirk.

Of course he was enjoying it.

Give her a few seconds and, that, oh, what did he just do?

He did it again.

She looked down with a gasp.

Makoto's hands should be declared illegal.

2. The more she fidgeted, the deeper his fingers went and plucked their own tune against her inner walls.

Just how audacious was he going to get? Her mind screamed "penalty" as she gritted her teeth to kill the cry of ecstasy.

Makoto draped his jacket over her lap and rolled her chair underneath the table. They were already in the top row as they arrived late, but the row was full as no one wanted to sit in the corner.

Ito realized that Mako was left-handed as he had her sit by the wall. She figured out why he did as well, but as a thumb flicked against her clit, she couldn't help the squeak escaping.

Good thing the professor had been showing a video as everyone had screamed at the same time.

He was trying to kill her, yes he was.

She was going to murder him, yes, kill him dead.

...Just as soon as class was over.

3. Makoto had forgotten to remove his wig...

...So as soon as Ito threaded her fingers through the "hair", he didn't tell her that she'd pull it off, especially when they were oh-so-very busted by a promptly-rendered speechles Toki-chan.

He'd like to see teh big waste of Japan's precious space try to touch his lower now, as he bent low and nuzzled his face against her black curls. Flicking his tongue against the pinky clit, Ito bucked up at the touch...

...Successfully removing Makoto's wig for him.


"Shit," she cried throatily as the mop of fake hair fell on her. Violet eyes snapped at her lover's grinning face, watching in mild horror as green eyes sparkled dark before looking to his left.

A strong hand stopped her from looking as he held her head back against the desk, sliding two fingers inside her in time with a kiss.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, an American author has penned.

More like The Claiming of Ito Miura in his book.

w juliet, smut

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