Movie Desecration Hou- Waitaminute that sounds familiar...

Dec 04, 2008 00:54

Oh boy, I just got home from watching Bolt, in 3D, no less! ANd man, the experience was kinda awesome! I mean like, dude! I feel so old when I say this but during my childhood 3D only consisted of obscenely ugly green and red stuff! Now it's in full technicolour with seamless depth-illusion thingies that make my mind go kablam! For RM16 a shot, it';s well worth it IMHO.

Now, back to the storyline of Bolt. It's mediocre to say the least, but I think this was so much better than Madagascar. Seriously, I think Disney could have done worse if it didn't have John Lasseter as the Executive Producer on this show. On the technical side, the 3D graphics used in Bolt is waaaaaaaay better than that used in Meet the Robinsons, which is a Very Good Thing. If you like Kim Possible, you'd probably enjoy Bolt quite a bit...maybe that's just me. I must say that it's a bit like getting a taste of how Kim Possible would be like if it made the transition from a 2D-TV-screen to a 3D-Theatre-screen. Aaaaaaanyway, the storyline is predictable, I'll give you that, but the journey to the end was enjoyable, to say the least. Oh yes, and embodying a fanboy into a hamster is total genius. GAAAH, now I really wanna draw that loveable hamster! (TTwTT)

Basically, what I'm saying is that if you have the dough to spend, go watch it. It's good, not great, but still worth it. (Damn, now I'm getting the urge to get the Bolt artbook. Is there one?)

Oh and the best thing I discovered is that Neil Gaiman's children's book Coraline is getting a film treatment! It looks very much Tim Burton-ish, NOT made by Tim Burton but by the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas (Heh, figures). Just from the preview alone I think I'll be forking out another RM16 to watch that in 3D. Another one to be anticipated is Pixar's next feature - Up. I'm not sure what I think about it yet but what the heck, going to a movie without preconceptions just makes it twice as fun...especially when you discover that it sucks and think up choice quotes to write a scathing review about it while watching the movie....did I just say that? You saw nothing.

*is still buzzed*


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