Bring back, bring back, bring back my desktop to me, to me!~

Jun 30, 2008 22:07

Yeah shit, my computer has been at the repair shop since Saturday, and my internet has been down since a week ago. (=__=);; Oh well, just fixing up everything so that my parents can use the net while I'm away in Kelantan...

Anyway, my past week's been quite eventful and happy =) I really enjoyed myself with axtar and yuncyn at Jaya One and somehow randomly ended up at CENTRAL MARKET (LOLOLOL) which was a nice detour. We should probably do that again sometime yeah, girls? ;D We should've totally gotten some McD's ice-cream! PLUS yuncyn, please help me thank your dad again for footing the bill for lunch! He really don't have to always do that *SHYSHYSHY* even when he's not present! Still thank him for me again!

Then there was yesterday's movie housewarming thing at Christy's new place where 99.9% of the people invited didn't show up, which might not have been such a bad thing really ^^;;; (I think my percentage calculations are just sucky XDDD) We watched Elizabethtown and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, two totally awesome movies IMHO (even though I was watching Elizabethtown for the second time). I really had a great time there, so thanks for the location and all Christy =)

Uh, that's all I have to say really. Stupid internship report is taking an insanely longer time to type than expected. 5 more days before I leave for Kelantan. Suddenly I wonder if it's possible to pack all my books and lug them all to campus so that I can read them by the sea. Oh yes and I need to get a packet of grounded coffee beans from Starbucks before I forget.

...Why does my life seem so jumbled at the moment without my desktop computer OTL

P/S: On a more productive note, I made paper clay models which I am kinda proud of. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to post pictures of them before I leave PJ. (TT^TT)

life, outings, random

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