*giggle giggle*

Jun 16, 2008 00:11

*giggles* Ah, is it alright to be reduced into a ball of fanboyish pulp after watching The Hulk? Notably not as awesome as Iron Man, but still immensely entertaining. Plus, my fanboy quota for this month has all been used up even before the show started: TGV showed the trailers for Batman, Hellboy 2 and Wall.E before we got to The Hulk.

GYAAAAAAAAH~~~ I wanna watch Thor now. Now. NOW. And man, Edward Norton and Liv Tyler's chemistry is just so hot it sizzles. 8D I mean that in the best way possible. And it does help that both of them have such expressive eyes. All that longing for each other, yet with no outlet to express it. It's like Pushing Daisies all over again LOL! Speaking of which, I think I gotta download that series soon. =D

Oh and the last scene of The Hulk...man, I can only imagine what Marvel has in store for all its superhero movies. AVENGERS HAYAKU TETEKOI!!! (I don't know if I spelt that correctly but ah well)

Go watch it people as soon as you can! Even if it's just for the taxi scene! XDDD

EDIT: This is mainly for ezelthecheezel but WHAT ON EARTH, A SCOTT PILGRIM MOVIE? (link: http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/02/15/whats-next-for-edgar-wright-maybe-ant-man-or-scott-pilgrim/) You know (don't hate me Marvel fans) between Scott Pilgrim and Antman, I'm kinda hoping that Scott Pilgrim makes the cut ^^;;

movies, spazz

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