Feb 18, 2008 22:06
RANTAGE. USM's internet just blocked Tegaki E, so I can't access it to draw any more. RAGE! (TT_TT) First DA now Tegaki E. Now all you have to do is kill off my access to livejournal and my life in Kelantan is over as we know it. *sobs*
It's assignment + Cumulative Assessment + OSPE + presentation rush time again, at least one each week leading up to my study week. *shrugs* I guess the workload's going to increase as I progress through university. X(
Aaaaaaaand Heroes Season 3 will only be coming out in SEPTEMBER 2008. *KEELS OVER AND DIES* Well, not really, but just don't take House away from me!! And I SWEAR, once Hiro gets offed in the show I'm not going to continue watching unless Ando suddenly gets a superpower or another Chinese/Japanese/Korean gets a spot in the main character lineup. (yesyes, I'm a little racist that way LOL but which ethnicity doesn't like to be represented on TV screens? Still, I'm waiting for the day a new superhero from Thailand/Philipines/Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesa appears on the show >D)
Else, life is still manageable. I'll be heading off to Tumpat (somewhere in Kelantan) for a meditation retreat this weekend, I do hope that it'll be able to let my mind relax and brace itself for the loads of work coming my way in March. =)