Moive Outing!

Nov 11, 2007 16:24

So, who's up for a movie outing this coming Saturday, 17th November, about 8pm or so?

Location: Sunway Pyramid
Time to Meet-Up: 6.30pm
Movie to be Watched: Stardust
Time for Movie: About 8pm (Or any evening/night time hours)

I'm only free after 6.30pm you see...Most of the Subang Gang's in. Anyone else is welcome to come, just holler here.

P/S: ezelthecheezel, if you wanna go you'll have to find your own transport on that day because I'll be going to Sunway Pyramid at 11am and I'll be staying there until 6.30pm to attend to my own things.

P/P/S: carneaglariel or anyone, would it be possible for you to send me home or something after the movie if it isn't too much trouble? My mom will be heading home after 6.30pm so I'll be rather 'car-less' (TT^TT) I'm still finding other ways to go home at the moment, just asking in advance.


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