May 17, 2003 13:51
So the texas legislature meets for 140 days every two years and every time it's a mild nuclear explosion of politics. This year the democrats finally lost all power in texas. so they ran off in a fit of peak and brilliant poloitical strategy.
For the first time in like a hundred years the republicans have control of the governorship, the state house, and the state senate. And Tom Delay, teh speaker of the (federal) House, and republican texas representaive, has taken this opportunity to suggest a redrawing of the highly jerrymandered districting in texas, thus ensuring more republican legislaters.
The State Dems knew they couldn't win this fight, so they ran away. They took two busses (smoking and non-) and a private plane across the oklahoma state line, thus denying the republicans a quarrum call, and preventing the texas rangers, who were in hot pursuit, from capturing them and bringing them back to austin to fulfill there stately duties.
The republicans respondedby contacting the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security. They even called Ashcrofts office and implied a terrorist attack to get him to track down the dems. They said, "we've lost a State Senetor in a plane."
The Last time this happened (a hundred years ago) the dems prevailed, as theyu did this time.
A few years ago there was well written screenplay kicking around hollywood based on exactly this senerio (They were hiding out beind teh alamo), and it never got made 'cuz it was too far fetched.
if we go to washington, i'm getting a gloch.