Chris Hayes on the Trump Phenomenon

Mar 11, 2016 18:21

In the wake of the Trump Un-Rally unfolding in Chicago, Chris Hayes just posted four tweets about the Donald Trump campaign that are critical to understanding the dynamics of American politics since 1968, and why it's falling apart now.

1_ In his 1971 memo to Nixon, Buchanan advocated a wedge-issue, culture-war strategy.
- Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 12, 2016

2) He warned it would "cut the Democratic Party & country in half;" but that "my view is that we would have far the larger half"
- Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 12, 2016

3) Trump is now implementing this same strategy, updated for the times, but doesn't seem to realize he has the far smaller half.
- Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 12, 2016

4) And remember Nixon had Wallace to play the role of Trump, which made it very easy to position himself as reasonable.
- Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 12, 2016

This is a particularly on-point observation by Hayes, especially given Pat Buchanan's calls for the GOP to unite behind Trump or risk losing to Hillary Clinton.

2016 elections

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