Life After High School, Life Before College...

May 22, 2007 17:14

Welcome to summer! I'm in the midst of a transitory phase that I will be in for the next few months. Things are already different.

-I wake up early (because I have a job)
-I have a job (because I'm responsible and cash is a necessarily evil)
-I'm mobile (cellular telephone, laptop with Wi-Fi connections)

(On a side note, I'm truly blessed with caring friends and family, who felt like showering me with an over abundance of gifts in various forms over graduation. Thank you all).

As much as I'd rather not talk about employment, I must. It's not bad actually. Not hard work at all. I enjoy every individual I'm working with to some degree or manner. I just suddenly feel like I've been working there a millenia and I just completed day two. The job probably won't make me happy when skies are gray but it will help me financially, is steady and not difficult. It's not as bad as Taco Bell where I was forced to multitask five dozen things I didn't know how to do and I had to focus soley on the work that I couldn't drift into space. The tasks here are relatively easy and I'm doing it quite well, but I can't quite get lost in the stardust of my mind. While my body feels the mild twinge of a good day's work (moving stuff, standing alot), I feel my mind is sort of caged in. I think that's why I need to be put in a leadership/leader position in the career I take. Or at least a "problem = solution" type of thing. I need to let my mind grasp, leap and maul the world around me, not order around the robot it controls.

A wave is coming. A Tsunami with gale wind force that looks to strike at the very house I've built my entire life. I'm scared of this tsunami. However, I'm aware of the tsunami. I know that I'm changing and I'm going to change and since College is a rather dramatic change, I'm rather afraid. But a wise man told me that you have to understand you're going ot change and it's better to be aware of it than ignorant. I hope I can be self-aware enough to prevent myself from just going nuts or be able to pull myself but blind enough to let myself grow somewhere more wonderful.

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