Why i did this?..

Apr 11, 2004 21:17

Well, for those of you who found this. i created this site for my own purposes... i must've edit this entire like 3x... I found that i changed this entire cause of other people, afraid of what other people think. If you say "who cares what other people think" then your a FUKING hipocryte!!! Everyone is always alternating their ways to make them selves not look bad or to fit in, I edited mines for both. Lately i find myself wondering if im missed placed. People think they know me when they know nothing about me, when they look at my appearence they automatic assume that they have this picture jodded down of me. Im a person and not all people are the same you idiots. Different people have different characteristics you cant treat everyone the same, you cant get along with everyone, you cant please everyone, cause everyones not the same.
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