Dare #23: Alien Invasion

Aug 02, 2011 13:11

This dare was intended to be posted last month, but it was very similar to the Good Genes challenge AT GOS, so I decided to wait a while before doing it.

The main idea is to breed a (non alien) Maxis sim with and Alien sim, but in a much simpler way.

Just pick a maxis premade sim and make him/her have a child with ANY alien sim. (ONE generation).

The alien can be a default PT of course, but for this challenge you can also use any alien created by you or anyone else (if you use someone's else sims, please credit), or use a custom PT set (as long as the aliens in your set are eligible according to the restrictions stated below)

The only restrictions are:

- The Maxis sim you choose CAN'T have any type of plastic surgery done. Not even small one. And try to avoid using face templates if possible (It's not mandatory, but preferably, and if you do have one in your game, please mention it in your post). They can't be already aliens either (So NO Johnny, Chloe, Lola, Stella, PT#9, etc), but townies and  NPCS are welcome. (as long as they are known default townies/npcs, not randomly generated or townified custom sims)

- Your Alien sim MUST have NON-Natural (Full body) SKIN AND NON-Natural EYES(BOTH!) It can be a non-natural colored skin or with spots all over or anything you want, but the idea is to pick an alien that looks as alien-ish as possible, with custom/non-natural skin covering the whole body, not only particular areas. The eyes can be as alien as you want, but must be at least of a NON-natural color. (like purple, of example)

Alien sims inspired in "klingons" or "vulcans", for example, would NOT be eligible in this case as they'd only have ridges in the forehead or pointy ears respectively. Trill (Spotted) skins, however, could be used as the spots cover most of the body, but only if you also add non-natural eyes to your sims.

You can also use alien sims inspired in animals and fantasy creatures, but NOT in-game paranormal creatures (NO werewolves, platsims, vampires, bigfoot, etc), except for aliens.

It is also recommendable that your alien sim has some kind of unusual facial features to make the results more interesting and/or in case that some of the alien genes don't show in the offspring. For example, if the child doesn't inherit the alien skin, it may still show unusual features and/or eyes.

You can use any gender for aliens and maxis, any breeding method (try for baby, abduction, insim, whatever) and you can be as creative as you want with your post, but you must include images from both Maxis and Alien sims (except for Maxis Default PTs) and pictures of their child in different ages. (at least from toddler to adult).

You can share as many children as you want, but remember they must be first generation only. It doesn't matter how the children look like, DO NOT breed them again! (and obviously, don't change anything about them after birth)

You can also share sims already born in your current, or older games, as long it fits the challenge (meaning if the child had a maxis and a alien parent, that fit the restrictions mentioned above, like any Curious alien children with default PTs). If you share pictures from older games, don't worry if you can't find images from all the ages, but try to include at least one of the child in his/her younger years (toddler or kid, for example) and one as adult.

You have the whole month of August to do this. Any doubt don't hesitate to ask.
(and JIC, I didn't forget about the comm. contest, so wait to see more on that soon too)


dare#023, dare info

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