Dare #21: Bachelors, Bachelors, bachelors!

Jun 03, 2011 13:35

This month's challenge will be all about premade BACHELORS.

And by that I mean, ADULT SINGLE MALES with no current or past commitments when the games starts. No divorcees, no widows, no one with kids or love flags. (NO DON!, NO DARREN!) Default crushes would be the only exception.

No aging up/down either. No townies, NO YAs.

The idea of making a challenge with these restrictions is to give some love to those sims that get easily neglected, so I'd encourage you to stay away from households like the Curious if possible, even though they should fit the challenge, and give a chance to guys like Cyd Roseland, Julien Cooke, Chester Gieke, Geoff Rutherford, Connor Weir and John Mole, to name a few.

Sims 3 entries are also welcomed as long as you follow these restrccions (and please specify from which ts3 hood the sim is from, as not everyone know the new sims in TS3. I certainly don't know lol), in this case for example, Ts3!Don could be used.

And what are we going to do with them?? Anything you want!! :D

- Give them makeovers (any style)
- Build them a bachelor pad, or if a whole lot is too much, focus on their room (Any cc style, but pads/rooms must be specif to the bachelor, keeping his interests and personality in mind)
- Play a quick games with them and tell us how it went. It could be a BC (you don't have to follow the rules literally if you don't want to) or send them in dates, for examples; or maybe they just like throwing parties with friends.

You have the whole month of June to play around with your Bachelors.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubt, and remember we have premade sims for download if you want to use clones, instead.


dare info, dare#021, dares

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