hello neglected blagosphere!
points of notice:
mikurubeam asked if you could have multiple homepages in firefox and I said "with an addon". I was suprisingly wrong! If you just add | symbols between the websites, you can have multiple homepages in stock Firefox. Like: "www.google.com|www.bridgetonova.com|www.yahoo.com"
Additionally, you CAN reblog from Google Reader to tumblr with "Greasemonkey" and this script:
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/18605 . If you're not using Google Reader... you're missing out on the blog-subscribing revolution :P It's a great way to read all your webcomics and blogs in the one place.
http://criggo.wordpress.com/feed/ - Blog of humourous newspaper clippings
http://blog.flickr.net/en/feed/ - A *light* blog of photographs. You can also follow people on flickr with RSS/Google Reader!
http://qcjeph.livejournal.com/data/rss - Questionable Content webcomic.
http://feedproxy.google.com/passiveaggressivenotes - Passive Agressive Notes >:D
http://juliasmexicocity.typepad.com/safetygraphics/rss.xml <- Safety labels!
And the IE8 RC1 is out.