I am not quiiiite at the "good is good, done is better" (tm
orca_girl) point with the jacket yet, but if it isn't done by the weekend I probably will be.
Decided to go with fake pocket flaps instead of making a whole pocket. Because of the triangular shape of the flap on the original, it isn't actually wide enough to cover a vent opening for a real pocket. Which is good, because that is wayyy less work. That's tomorrow's project. Today I basted the body pieces together to figure out where said faux pockets should go. Tomorrow I'll stitch the flaps on, assemble the body for real, and hopefully attach the lining, at which point the only thing left will be sleeves, hem, and buttons, and the sleeves and sleeve linings are already assembled separately. So, all in all, good, and then I'll have the weekend to flip out about the wig.
Or to "wig out," as
kaisilverwolf could not resist.
I doubt I will have the Lost coveralls done in time, but eh. It's always the simple no-brainer costumes that end up being the biggest pains. I might throw a Bleach costume in the bag to compensate or something. Bleach: when making an effort is just too much to ask.
Speaking of Bleach, I realized I have once again ended up with Ishida's haircut.
And I'm preparing a V:tM mu* app for the first time in like ten years. It's... getting long.