Title: Groped
Author: maxinegray
Characters: Dean/Castiel
Summary: Being groped sometimes ain't always a good thing.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Use of the word Grope. Crack.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the Great Man Kripke. I just take it out to play when he's not looking.
Spoilers: Season 4.16
Word Count: 170
A/N: Came to me in the middle of the night after watching 'On The Head of A Pin' 7 times. Stupid Anna and her non-stop touching. Dedicated to my friend Linds, who's Heroes fic I should be writing instead of thinking of Angel Touching.
“She won’t stop groping you.”
“Touching, copping a feel, you know…”
“I understand the term.”
“Yeah, well. She won’t stop.”
Dean lets out a frustrated noise. “Anna!”
Castiel gives Dean a confused look. “Anna and I are friends. Do friends not often touch each other as a sign of their friendship?”
“Believe me, Anna does not think you two are just friends.”
“In our true angel form, Anna and I were often close. But not in the way I think you mean to say.”
“And as you’ve told me, you also really didn’t have genders when you got all glowy and bright.”
“That is correct.”
“So now that she is in a female body, complete with female parts, and you are in a male’s…”
Castiel is silent for a moment, running over the thoughts in his head.
“I do not think I will be comfortable with being ‘groped’ by Anna any longer…”
Dean sighs heavily with relief. “Finally.”
“…Though I will be content with being groped by you.”