OH MAN. SO THIS YEAR WAS COMPLETELY FREAKING AWESOME. I...don't even know where to start. I took a crap-ton of pictures and saw a crap-ton of cosplayers and BOUGHT A CRAP-TON OF STUFF - it was good times. GOOOOOD TIMES. I think I pretty much bought ALL One Piece stuff this year. Like last year I bought mostly PoT stuff. But this time I got a OP bag and cups and Zoro & Sanji plushies and pins and ART askjdhs. Got lots of stuff from Ed [
meganezilla], including AKAZAWA/MIZUKI ART and a toooon of fats. Like Spandam. Spandam-fat is obviously the best thing EVER. I also got some freaking GORGEOUS art of Mugen and Jin from Samurai Champloo. It's been a looong time since I watched that show, but OMFG these pictures were SO pretty. I'm not really sure where I'm going to put them, though. >.> I'll have to move stuff around in my room somehow, hahaha. ANYWAY, I'm getting way offtrack, but I haven't taken pictures of my Otakon stuff yet, so I figured I'd just babble about it instead. But know I bought WAY more than I needed to, bwahahaha. \o/
Everything else goes below the cut. PICTURE HEAVY LIKE WHOA.
SO OTAKON. Started early for me, because Sammi [
sasami999] got to my house late on Tuesday. We hit up our favorite diner, Double TT, and basically hung around being awesome the next two days. Thursday was when other people started arriving! Mousapi [
mousapelli] showed up in the afternoon, and we spent some time beating each other up in the OP Wii game. Then we headed to the airport, and I was totally on time picking up Steph [
nickelodeon] and then totally NOT on time picking up Bri [
danbi] because I was awesome and missed a turn when I was trying to circle around to arrivals again. >.> I'm amazing. Shut up.
This was what greeted Steph and Bri in my car:
Then we went and got ITALIAN for dinner. Mmmmm.
Me and Sammi. This was the cool side of the table. Obviously.
Steph, Bri, and Mousapi on the other side. STEPH TAKES SUCH GOOD PICTURES.
They're Japanese.
The next day was the start of the actual convention! IT WAS AMAZIIIING. I think we pretty much spent the entire day in the dealer's room before we had to go pick up Missa [
takewing] from the airport. But we saw some cool cosplayers and all that along the way. And got lots of stuff!!
Mousapi and I cosplayed. She makes an awesome Nami. I make a terrible Luffy. :|
Waiting in liiiine. We were only there for maybe half an hour? Tops? Not near as hardcore as the 9-hour Anime Boston line. :(
We let them cut because we're SO INCREDIBLY NICE.
Bri likes to molest me as Luffy. And I enjoy it.
This girl cracked me up. Even her EXPRESSION is right.
P.S. My pictures are basically identical to everyone elses. SO YOU GET TO SEE THEM ALL AGAIN.
I saw this Gintoki approximately 1230918293081029 times.
Hahaha, we asked them to pose, and they were just like: :|||
This guy had the COOLEST Ace tattoo on his back. Too bad when we asked for his picture, he was just like: DURP. So we didn't notice it till we were leaving and he turned around.
CP9 wanted Yamaguchi's autograph!
We accidentally wandered into the PoT shoot. And then promptly left two seconds later.
MORE ZORO. With leather pants!
KHR people. I just liked the Hibari. And how they had this pose READY.
We paused for lunch at some point and just sat around being awesome.
Here's Steph and me being awesome.
Sammi and Steph being awesome.
Bri and Sammi being awesome.
Luffy and Nami Me and Mousapi being awesome.
torte] SHOWED UP.
She is cute. So is Sammi. BEHOLD THEIR CUTENESS.
And then Friday at the convention was over.
SO WE WENT TO PICK UP MISSA! And went from there to Outback, and bought amazing fatty cheese fries that were AMAZING.
Missa, Steph, and me! I brought a shirt to change into, even though I'm sure Luffy would've loved Outback. :|
Missa, Bri, and Steph!
We are such a cool group of people.
THEN WE WENT HOME. And chilled and watched OP movies and...did other stuff. Probably. Who knows.
One Piece figures are so freaking cool. SHANKS WAS PROBABLY THE BEST BUY OF THE CON. He's Steph's, though. I wanted to steal him but RESISTED.
So I'll just steal her picture of him instead. alsdkjhfasdf. Bri got Luffy. *__*
Day 2 at the convention involved Sammi cosplaying Luffy!
She is more in character than me. :|
Missa and Bri!
Emmy joined us again. She loves her Sammi.
We found other OP people. I have no idea what Zoro is doing in this picture.
I made them FIGHT! \o/
This Buggy was really...something. Hahahaha.
He was a good sport, though.
Probably because a certain awesome dude was at the convention.
YAMAGUCHI KAPPEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSKJDHFLAKJSHFLKAJSDHFAS. This picture is really dark because he was sort of far away. But OMFG. He was the absolute cutest thing in the world. I WANTED TO TAKE HIM HOME.
For those who don't know, he voices Usopp, L, Inuyasha, Ranma, Ryuichi (from Gravitation) and like 1290831 other characters. BASICALLY HE IS AMAZING. I love him so much. Pretty much my one goal for the entire convention was to hear him sing the Sogeking Song. AND I GOT TO HEAR IT!!!! He had two panels, one on Friday and one on Saturday. We missed the Friday one because we got it mixed up with the Autograph Signing Session, but apparently that one was full of mostly Ranma and Inuyasha fans. BUT SATURDAY WAS DIFFERENT! There were sooo many OP questions and stuff, it was freaking awesome. And apparently Saturday was the first time he'd ever sung the Sogeking Song in the U.S.!!! *__* GOD I LOVE HIM.
So if you haven't seen it yet: SOGEKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click to view
This one is hilarious, too. Bwahahahahahaha.
Click to view
For all you Death Note fans. :D
Click to view
Sammi took all those videos. I was being slow with my camera, SO I WAS HAPPY OTHER PEOPLE WERE ON THE BALL. \o/
Bri waiting in line for Yamaguchiiii.
Also in line, WE FOUND A NAMI.
He even let Steph hold his mask. OH MAN.
So that was good times. And then there were even moooore cosplayers, of course.
Heeee, Duo and Trowa. alsdkjs. >.>
Took this one for my brother. He was so mad he couldn't go this year.
MORE OP. This group had a Zoro with them the day before (Sammi got a picture, I didn't), but he was too lazy this day. GAWD.
The Usopp loved Sammi, though.
Bleach people I don't know. I just liked the costumes. <.<
Escalator pictures. That's Margie [
hitsuuji] in the back!
And more.
Steph and Emmy!
We also had our mini
mallowmateys meet-up this day. I would try to name everyone here, but...I would fail. :|
Jyabura. :DDD
AFRO LUFFY!!!!!!!!!!! And Robin.
And then. AND THEN.
They were SO freaking cool. Their outfits were like...PERFECT. And their weapons!! laksjdhfs.
And I am a sad, sad fangirl. :|
The Axel was freaking amazing, though.
AND THAT WAS PRETTY MUCH IT!!! Emmy stayed over at mine on Saturday and we watched yet MORE OP movies. Some of us went back to the con on Sunday, but it was a bit rushed and mostly we just ran through the Art Room and the Dealer's Room one last time, before getting lunch.
I love us.
We had to say goodbye to Emmy after that. ;__; WOE!!! I have no idea what we did the rest of Sunday. Monday we were mostly bums, which is ALWAYS a good time after three days of NON-STOP ACTION. *__* RPing in the same room with other people, talking in chat even though you're two feet away from someone, we watched Transformers at SOME point, and LOTS AND LOTS OF TALKING AND HANGING OUT. It was awesome. I love being with people you can just be yourself with, and it's always amazing when you meet friends from online for the first time and are able to be TOTALLY COMFORTABLE with them right off the bat. ♥
Monday night we went out to SAKURA'S. Which is a Japanese steak house where they cook the food in front of you. SO FREAKING GOOD. The chef kept flirting with Steph, in the form of pretending to throw stuff at her. It was highly amusing.
I think by this point some of us (like ME) had uploaded OP songs as ringtones to our phones. The Franky commercial bumper was my text message alert. Sogeking is my new default, obviously. >D
Then laaate Monday night, MORE PEOPLE SHOWED UP. WHOOOO. Linds [
longleggedgit], Beth [
cmere], Jaz [
jazzyjello], and Di [
illuminations] arrived fresh from TERMINUS. It was so good to see them again, and to meet Jaz for the first time!! alksjhflas. Ed got there not long after they did, then I sent them to my favorite TT diner to get some food, and after that they pretty much promptly passed out.
The rest of us stayed up and...did something. WAS THAT THE NIGHT WE WATCHED MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME? I have no idea. We watched OP movie 6 one night and basically ripped it to shreds, because it's freaking god awful. Why have I seen in three times? WHY?!
Everyone who went to bed before me was up way earlier than me the next day, ahaha. I'm such a good host. :|
Me, Jaz, and CHOPPER. That amazing shirt I'm wearing is one my dad brought back from San Fransisco for me.
Mousapi, Linds, and Ed!
Di and Beth! Looking amazingly awake. HOW DO YOU DO IT.
Sammi, Steph, and me. D'awww.
This is the other member of our Otakon crowd. He joined the party every night and ran away from home TWICE last week! Oh puppy. That's Ralph. He only poses for pictures with Steph, despite the fact that she didn't pet him ONCE the entire time, and this is seriously one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip, HAHAHAHA.
He saw me taking this one and tried to jump on in.
Steph, me, and Di!
Me and Bri!
Sammi and me. alkdjasd. Sammi had to leave on Tuesday, and it made me EXTREMELY SAD. ;_____;
I was probably a complete loser the rest of the day because of it, and I totally started crying at the airport. Ahaha, I felt kind of bad, because by this point my throat was starting to be a real bitch from nonstop talking, and that combined with Sammi leaving and the craziness of the weekend made me not want to do much the last two days! Which I think the Otakon crowd was totally okay with, because we were quite happy with lounging around just hanging out, but the ones from Terminus I'm pretty sure wanted to actually get out and do stuff. >.> They managed to get to Baltimore for dinner one night, so I'm glad for that. I'M SORRY IF I WAS BORING, THOUGH!!
We hit up TT for dinner again the night they were in Baltimore.
And then did this the rest of the night. >.> WHOOOOOO!!!
Mousapi also left Tuesday night. And then Wednesday a lot more people had to leave! ;_____; IT MADE ME NOT HAPPY AGAIN.
This was our last group picture. Woe. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!
Then we said goodbye to Steph and Missa at the airport. D:
The rest of us went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch.
Bri loves her Luffys. Or my Luffys.
Di thinks so, too. :|
Then we bummed around the mallllll.
Bri thought it was VERY EXCITING.
Beth just thinks she's weird.
We took Bri to the airport after that. Then Jaz, Di, Beth and I sat around and absorbed each other's AWESOMENESS. And watched the Olympics. And I went to bed early because LAME AND A HALF, I had work the next day. AUGH. I've still not recovered from my week off and went in both Thursday and today utterly EXHAUSTED. Blah. Anyway, Linds and Ed came back Thursday morning, and then I had to say goodbye to that whole crew bright and early. ;_________; AND THEN I WAS ALONE. ;_______________________;
I had these guys for comfort, though.
IN CONCLUSION, THE ENTIRE WEEK WAS FAN-FUCKING-TABULOUS. I had SUCH a good time and I'm reeeaaaally looking forward to next year. *__* ONCE A YEAR IS NOT ENOUGH, THOUGH. I wish I could see everyone way more often than that. Seriously, I'm crap at words and this post is ridiculously long already, but know that I had so, So, SO much fun with you all. Best convention EVERRRR. It was good times all around, I could not have enjoyed myself more. AM I MAKING THIS CLEAR ENOUGH??? I HAD AN AWESOME TIME AND I LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU TERRIBLY. YOU SHOULD ALL COME BACK RIGHT NOW!!!!! ♥♥♥
We kind of forgot to call anyone or even do a voice post, though. >.> OOPS. BUT WE WERE THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!
Oh, and by the way.
What, no, I totally didn't steal that picture from Bri.
I love you guys.
So much.
Soooo much.
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!