Dec 20, 2004 16:13
I have had this gamefor quite sometime now, but recently i had a chacne to watch the 22% run. All i have to say is wow. he is able to beat bosses with no energy tanks, that took me all teh energy tanks i could find.
They also finally brought the screw attack back, and ill have to say it looks really good. Also beside some other improvements you now have the ability to grapple and shoot. Which was left out in Super Metroid and on word.
Anyone has played the first should pick this one up. It picks up story wise right after the first. The pirates main operation is destroyed, but there far from beaten. The game takes place on a world atthe edge of the federation space called ather. Though most of the game takes place on it, you do move to its dark twin Dark ather. BOth worlds exsist in teh same time and space, but differant realty.
Im about 50% complete right now, i might have finshed it if it werent for World of Warcraft and Prnce of Persia Warrior Within.