Start your engines

Jan 03, 2007 20:24

Got a spare?
Originally uploaded by FootPump.
So a few days after my last proper post Andrew (crockett), Nadim and Me went to Manchester to have a drink or two. Got there around 2pm to find the place had gone A1 Racing crazy. I mean the place was packed.

We quickly scarpered to the Film works for a little shelter - and a few drinks. As looks would have it Chris, and our Mr Willows were in town, so after our drinks we joined them for lunch.

Afterwards Andrew and Me had a go at changing a tyre on a Formula One (okay A1) car. Our first try wasn't much of a success... we stripped the thread on then wheel nut. Luckily we got another, and came forth place, baby!

Vid of this litle moment of glory has been conveniently linked in the clicky...
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