Mar 27, 2010 00:26
I fucking hate you and I mean every word of it. Every time i think of you, look at a picture of you, see your name on my phone it makes me angry it makes me lose my composure, I cant think straight. I feel like yesterdays garbage. You go from telling me how you dont know if we made the right decision and how you miss me and all this bullshit and then you turn right around and find some other guy to date. Not just any guy but the guy who I had suspected something was up with for the past month. I should of known from the moment you went from really wanting me to go with you thursday to so easily being ok with him going instead. or how you kept telling me you didnt want me to go on sunday but 5 mins after he gets to your house and i say i think i am gonna go you are ok with it.
You are so full of shit you stink. you are a fucking cunt. I may not have been perfect but i cared about you so much. I dont even get the decency of a full fucking week. I cried in your basement in front of you with how heartbroken i was that this may be over. I can see now why you were so ok with it. and now say you dont want me out of your life and you want to talk about this calmly. WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT!? WHY SHOULD I LET YOU EVEN BE REMOTELY APART OF MY LIFE!? SO YOU CAN JUST CAUSE ME MORE PAIN!?