Jan 02, 2005 23:11
ok.. so i cant talk to ANYONE about this cause whenever i do theyre like... man i wish i had that problem. yea wel let me tel you... you DON'T ok?!?!
so today my dad at breakfast says, how much do you weigh now? i respond, "i dunno, havent checked lately" he proceds to make me get up right then and check it. ----- i look down, and thoughts poor through the brain. 5 pounds! how could this happen? ive been eating like crazy! now my DADS going to go crazy and make me eat more!--- i tell him,"92" casually. i was right, he does freak out and says, 92?!?!?! YOU LOST 5 POUNDS! what did you throw up your food? so i responded wih the first thing in my head which probably just wasnt good... 'yea dad, i got used to it while being sick with chemo and thought id sart a trend" ... yea, shouldnt have said that cause he mght believe me.
for those of you reading this... 5 pounds is a LOT of weight for me. im supposed to be gaining. i mean how does it happen that over christmas.. the time everyone gains. i LOOSE. so now i have to go to doctors... gee, just the way i love to start a new year. last year i got my knee replaced 6 days into the new year.. this year i might add to my list of diseases!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT! what kind of crap hand was i delt! NONE of my clothes fit. my face looks sunken in. my leg doesnt work. im going to scream.
so thats how i felt today.. and dont leave ANY type of message that says, somthing like "i wish i had the problem of not being able to gain weight" because not having enough weight is just as much a burden as having to much weight.