(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 21:36

i have somthing to say. i usually i do. tiday i went and listened to a survivor of the holocaust speak about her time. it was absolutely mind blowing. i loved it. im sp glad i experienced that. and she told us of her husband... he was the man who liberated her. how AMAZING is that? to have the one person that is made for you do the most amazing thig for you. he made the best day of her life. its almos to fairytale like to be true.

any younglife monday was great aswell. i absolutly love tracy and her talks.. they are sooo enthusiastic and so full of her love for god you can't help but feel it too. i wish i had such strong feeling of love for god in my life.. i really wish i could honestly say that i feel him 100% but i dont. im really working on it. im trying and im praying so much that he helps me with this load ive been given.

as for other news coronets is coming up. im not sure who ill ask. my best friend now has a girlfriend/ish thing going on. its kinda weird, i mean i guess im just not used to having to take back seat in priority. hes who i always want to tell things and just cant WAIT to hear his opinion(eventhough more of th time he doesnt give one). even just a hug makes me smile cause i know he LOBES me not loves me. its just going to be different and i REaLLY am honestly afraid of losing this friendship. i mean i know it goes deep but i cant help but think that now itll dwindle away because hes got a girl. thats all ive ever known, all thats ever happened. ive never had best friend that stays a best friend through their relationship. i mena like it or not shes not going to want him to hang out with me cause ima girl and if hes going to be with a girl itll be her.

and thats all of todays mumbo jumbo.... tomorrow is a NEW day and it entails lunch with BECCA!!!!!!! yay!!!!!
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