VOTING ENDS December 24th
So my comic is finally up for battle this month on, It's about Serge a kid who wants to be a hero, only to find out he doesn't know the meaning of the word.
Please go read my comic and if you like it, VOTE, COMMENT, RATE, FAVORITE, then SHARE IT, I need every ounce of help I can get, as the talent for this competition sure is good, so if you can blog, tweet, facebook it, ANYTHING to share with your friends, I'd REALLY appreciate it. If I win the series goes on for a season, if it loses, it ends here.
I know everyone's busy for the holidays, so if there was ever a time I needed everyone's support it's now!!
Sentai Contest
So for this month I'm holding a contest in celebration of OHKO, and to help the traffic flow.
Design a sentai character, good? Bad? Neutral? Just needs to have an awesome suit. There will be 8 winners
1. Most badass
2. Sexiest
3. Scariest
4. Cutest
5. Coolest
6. Mightiest
7. Funniest
8. Weirdest
Want to know what sentai is?!-> So aim for any of those 8 categories and draw your own character or a new character, and submit it to me! If you win I'll draw all 8 of you in a stunning pose together in one magnificent poster , winners get a high res file so they can print it out Winners decided on Feb 5th, Poster gets made late feb or early march! Goodluck!