Title: Tell me your wish
Author: Maxime (maxime260)
Pairing: none
Characters: Heechul, OC
Genre: Crack, fantasy
Rating: PG
Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Lesson 2: One wish ≠ ten wishes.
Dogs were known to be people's best friends but for Heechul they weren't. He liked cats more and he always stated that this little furry pets were the most intelligent, elegant and beautiful creatures in the whole wide world. Even Hangeng's dog couldn't make him change his opinion, though he had to admit that he loved this dog as much as he loved his Chinese man.
Of course, his cats were so much better than Sungmin's; if cats could do an IQ test, he was sure that Heebum and Baengshin would beat Hyaku and Sen easily in it. How could it even be otherwise, with such a clever owner? He raised his cats with love and passion but also knew when to give them a lesson about proper behaviour, while Sungmin spoilt his pets too much and cuddled them even when they scratched his bed or ate his socks.
Heechul was lying on the couch with Heebum next to him, when he suddenly heard a weird noise, making him look down at his cat.
"Yah, Heebum-ah, don't fart."
When he raised his head again however, he got in too close contact with something flying in the air, so he quickly moved backwards and opened his mouth startled.
"You" a childish voice resounded in his ears. "You have one wish to think of and I will make it come true. Be wise and don't waste it."
The man couldn't believe in what he was seeing; he was too curious about this little creature though so he raised his hand and poked the being - which looked like a fairy from one of his tales - on its head.
"What the hell do you think are you doing?!" it shrieked and Heechul grinned.
"So you are real... Fine then. I want a lot of money, a Ferrari, a villa near the sea, popularity all over the world, my own zoo with hundreds of different cats in it, a candy-floss machine, I want to be able to speak all possible languages, give me one million of tweets on my twitter profile and also so many followers, make Sungmin hate pink and Kyuhyun playing with Barbie dolls instead of StarCraft, I want to see Leeteuk with an ugly girl and Eunhyuk tripping while dancing, give Siwon a lot of pimples on his face because he's too handsome, Shindong should eat less and oh - it would be nice to see Hankyung in Korea again or else I will kick his pretty butt the next time I see him, ok?"
Due to the huge amount of wishes, the fairy collapsed onto the floor and lost conciousness. When it awakened again, Heechul was looking down on it and waving some fresh air into its direction.
"Screw this! I'm quitting this job!" the little being suddenly stated firmly and threw its magic wand away, which disappeared immediately. It also took off its wings which turned out to be only a costume; the fairy turned towards Heechul and sticking out its tongue at him, it also disappeared to nowhere.
The Super Junior member blinked a couple of times but nothing changed, the weird intruder was gone. He sighed with disappointment but realized that he had been expecting too much - fairies DIDN'T exist.
Just when he thought about this, another loud noise could have been heard and Heechul jumped up surprised.
And there was a big sack in front of him, filled with... potatoes. It had a small note attached to it: 'GREETINGS FROM MY RETIREMENT. WITH LOVE - THE LITTLE FAIRY'.