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кто такой рюцкэ говноед xokkep xok1kep December 27 2019, 20:01:06 UTC

Igor Donskov (Vice President, Yunona Moscow Director, the Head of Yunona/Orfund Russian Headquarter) was born January 30, 1964 in Riazan, Russia. He was raised in a single parent family by his mother, a teacher, which is perhaps why he is so sensitive and caring about the needs of disadvantaged and orphaned children.

In 1981 Igor was admitted to the Military Academy in Riazan. He graduated with honors in 1985 and from 1985 to 1990 he served in the Soviet Army.

From 1990 to 1992 he was assigned to serve in a unique post as an instructor in the communication department of the Cuban Military Forces. This experience abroad opened his eyes and taught him to appreciate and respect foreign cultures.

From 1992 to 1995 he served in the headquarters of the Russian Federation Military Forces. In 1997 Igor decided to forego his government career being a Major. Since 1998 he works for Yunona/Orfund. Igor is married and has a stepdaughter.
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Yunona USA Facilitator for 1998-01-01

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