In solidarity with the Ukrainian democrats

Feb 20, 2014 08:16

In solidarity with the Ukrainian democrats, the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement EGAM is leading a delegation to Ukraine - Support this initiative !

Because we are aware that part of the future of Europe is at stake today in Ukraine, shocked by the bloody repression ordered by Viktor Ianoukovitch, and because we want to support the ones who courageously fight for democracy, the respect of human rights and the fundamental values of the European Union, EGAM is leading a human rights organizations delegation to Kiev, from tomorrow and for some days.

Coming from various countries including France, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Norway, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, the delegation will bear a message of solidarity to the Ukrainian democrats, on behalf of all these who, throughout the continent, support their fight.

We are also going to conduct a human rights monitoring mission, in order to build, along with the leaders of the Ukrainian civil society, a human rights alert report and a call for action paper.

This will allow promoting with strength our shared positions and efficiently calling for action the European leaders, who have so far been too reluctant to answer the call for Europe, democracy and rule of law that the Ukrainian society has been expressing.

Thank you for supporting this delegation and the monitoring mission, thus for sending a solidarity message to the Ukrainian democrats, by donating :
All donations are important !

Also, you will be able to follow the evolution of the mission on :

Thank you !

The EGAM team

Contact :
Paul Morin, Executive Director of EGAM
Cell : +33 6 83 11 46 45
@ :
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