Pagan blog!

Jul 29, 2010 02:18

Hey guys,

I made a blog specifically for Pagan ramblings, please friend me?

The White Lady of Rohan

It's a personal Shrine to my Gods and I wanted it kept seperate from my mundane ramblings, haha.

So yea...Doug, Anne's friend who came to the Energy show and liked me? Who I cut loose because he was an ass to me? Is at it again.

But what I’m bloggin’ about is D, aka the world’s biggest git who decided that the way to win a lady’s heart was to act high and mighty about how I need to magically get over my dyscalculia and hearing loss. Yea, him. Again.

One of my dearest friends IM’d me just now and told me that he IM’d her on Facebook (yea, I know) and said this verbatim:

“He’s worried that he messed up chances with you in terms of friendship (he mentioned being romantically interested in you and that he felt stung, but that wasnt important) but most importantly he doesnt want you to still be upset with him. He wasnt sure if he should talk to you himself because he didnt want you to be pissed off, and he really doesnt want that. He just misses being friends and hanging out with us as a group”

….I don’t even. There is no macro lulzy enough for this.

I told her (them?) I’d think about it, but the more I muse about it, the more I’m thinking oh hell no. It sounds cruel, but you know what? I am twenty-four years old. I am so sick of these people’s childish and immature antics. I don’t need or want that sort of energy in my life. We’re not in high school anymore, can we please grow up?

First off, how childish is it to act nasty and pretentious about my job-hunting just because you’re pissy that I decided we’d be better off as friends? I can understand being hurt; but everyone goes through that, even me. But there’s no excuse for the way he acted, it was just completely and immature. I may write blogs explaining the wacky crap that goes down in my life, but I’ve never posted anything immature or started online drama. I keep it classy, or attempt to at least.

Anyway, the immaturity is a huge turn-off both platonically and romantically. I’m not interested in being someone’s mother figure. I’m the alpha female of my pack, the HBIC and that’s it. I’ll protect those I love ’cause I’m loyal, but I’m not your mother.

Second, misses being friends and hanging out in a group?Huh? He met me once. He hung out with me once. Way to exaggerate things, jeez. Also, he knew when he met me that I’m interested in a few other people; I don’t know what he’s complaining about, I really don’t. I was honest and told him exactly how I felt. You can’t tell me I didn’t lie.

Third, if you didn’t want to upset me, maybe you should’ve chosen your damn words better. Did he honestly believe I was going to magically fall at his feet and worship at his amazing wisdom? Especially with that tone. Really? REALLY?!

Flying Sphagetti Monster almighty, what is wrong with people? And it’s so funny because I feel like he’s trying to paint himself out as the innocent and yet he just pulled this idiocy because he’s jealous and hurt. I’ve done a lot of stupid stuff in my life but this is a new one. If you see someone’s getting angry, you don’t keep making them angry! You apologize and drop the subject and leave them be, jeez. It’s not rocket science.

Congrats, D. You’re officially worse than J, the whiny annoying 25 year old who is still butthurt that I had no romantic interest in him whatsoever and still gets butthurt when he tries to get with me and I reject him. For. the. millionth. time.

J is exactly why I don’t want D in my life. Ever again. I’m at the place where I don’t need that sort of immature energy in my life. What if I meet an awesome guy at Pagan Pride Day in September and we start dating? If D and I are “friends”, I can guarantee you he won’t handle it well. There will be passive aggressive snipes and possibly sabatoging. Hell no. Not that I can’t handle it but I don’t want to have to bring out the nasty, darker side of my personality. You don’t want me in that mode; it’s not pretty at all.

Maybe I’m just a crotchety old woman in the body of a twenty four year old but I’m finally learning how to not get into these cycles of “being friends” and getting sucked back into their nuttiness and I’m not going to make that same mistake again. I’m over it.

I’m going to talk to a few people about this, but I’m getting the sinking suspicion that I’m going to have to have a moment’s immaturity and block this one from Facebook. This is getting ridiculous.

I don’t say this much…but I need a drink. Or two.

Gods give me the strength.

ramblings, boys suck, why me

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