Nov 22, 2007 01:58
На волне успеха нашей великой говносборной, состоялся аццкий диалог с хорватом по скайпу!!!
[1:36:09] Roko говорит: Hello RUSSIA!!!!
[1:37:12] Maxim говорит: We'l going there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thang Croatia we'r loving you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleticosa is a god of croatia and Spartak Moscow!!!
[1:37:25] Roko говорит: JEEEEESSSSSSS
[1:37:35] Roko говорит: Have you look'd the game????
[1:38:28] Roko говорит: I wonted to know directly from Russia how whas the spectacle for you!!! ?? :D
[1:39:47] Maxim говорит: Yes, it was a great perfomance from Croatia team!!!! I didn't expect it! Our team of course like peace of shit but We'r really lucky today!!!!!!! and for euro I like to see another Russia)))
[1:40:27] Roko говорит: Yes!!!! I hope so! well today your dreams come true!!!!! Lucky you!!!!
[1:40:35] Roko говорит: Nice!!!
[1:41:13] Roko говорит: It's true that in Moscow have put on the Red square many big screen....
[1:41:15] Roko говорит: ??
[1:42:11] Maxim говорит: nonononono.. It's false of course, after World Cup 2002 in Russia it isn't possiple). There are a lot of agressive deep fans here)))
[1:42:39] Maxim говорит: crashin all and almost nobody belive the victory)
[1:43:02] Roko говорит: ?? well.... the press in Croatia.... you know.... tolking crap!! :)
[1:43:17] Roko говорит: Noooooo..... why?
[1:43:30] Roko говорит: Bud i remembre a good russian team....
[1:43:33] Roko говорит: once....
[1:44:59] Maxim говорит: because croatia has already qualified and we thought It will be not important game for u and everyone thought England will win
[1:45:30] Roko говорит: Is it true that the trainer of the Spartak promises 4 Mercedes cars to 4 football players of the croatian team if they won today???
[1:45:32] Maxim говорит: and referee try to kill your team but It was stronger than England on head!!
[1:45:59] Roko говорит: we have made just for proud...
[1:47:32] Maxim говорит: yes It's true - but not a coach - our head of club! The headman of Lukoil oil company). For Pletikosa he must present 5 mercedeces and 5 million of bucks for great season in Spartak too!
[1:47:54] Roko говорит: :O
[1:48:43] Roko говорит: (cash)(cash)(cash) GREAT!! he is generous!!! ....wel last that whas a true press news!!!
[1:48:51] Roko говорит: :)
[1:50:22] Maxim говорит: yes, in Russia It is normal thing to motivate oposition of your opposition)). But in Russia it's a normal Thing to motivate own opposition for losing(((. It's a great trouble of our football(
[1:51:26] Roko говорит: Hell.... i'm happy for you!!! and thanks for the hottest news!!!! go russia!!! hope to see you soon playing good football! see 'ya on the EURO!!!!!! good luck RUSSIA and bye Maxim!!!!!!
[1:51:30] Roko говорит: (handshake)
[1:52:06] Maxim говорит: thanks you)). Like to talkind football)
[1:52:49] Roko говорит: me too! maebe hear we to comment the euro
[1:52:57] Roko говорит: next year!!!
[1:54:19] Maxim говорит: ok add me please If it isn't a trouble)
[1:54:54] Roko говорит: no no! Here, please
[1:55:35] Maxim говорит: ok thanks0
[1:56:18] Roko говорит: hope to hear you soon and good luck Russia!!! To next year!!!!!
[1:56:56] Maxim говорит: ok and now drinking alchocol!!!! For winning!
[1:57:27] Roko говорит: YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i go out to drink lot of bear!!!!! he he :D
[1:57:48] Maxim говорит: yes already))
[1:58:51] Roko говорит: (beer) well..... cheers!!!!!!
[1:59:03] Roko говорит: Bie, my friends are calling.......
[1:59:07] Roko говорит: BEEEEER he he he
[1:59:09] Maxim говорит: (beer) bye)
[1:59:19] Roko говорит: (y)
[1:59:21] Roko говорит: (beer)
[1:59:26] Roko говорит: (drunk)Еще раз - спасибо Хорватия!!!