
Jul 11, 2008 20:17

Recently I've been working my way through the biography section at the New Jersey Historical Society. I love those over-the-top Victorian titles: "America's First Liberal" (Tom Paine) or "The Greatest Woman in America" (Lucretia Mott). Then there's the ironic name for your job category, as in the story of a medical doctor named ill. (I had to put the first letter in lower case to make it intelligible....if it's capitalized it looks like this: Ill.)
One title took me aback until I realized who it was about: "The Knife Is Not Enough." It's about Henry Kessler, who founded Kessler Rehabilitation Hospital.
A biography of Joyce Kilmer, published in the 60s, was printed on recycled paper, back before most people had heard of such a thing. A note on the book gave the reason: "This book is printed on recycled paper, because only God can make a tree."
But hands down, the best book title I've run across is (get ready!): "Flagellant on Horseback." No, it's not about kinky sex. Well, maybe, in a way.... It's the biography of a Jesuit missionary.
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