May be kicked off any minute so trying to be quick.

May 22, 2009 15:59

Well, at least to the degree that I feel that anymore.

Went on a hike on Monday in the Shenandoahs. Horrible indulgence I know. I'm weak. Up the White Oak Canyon and down Cedar Run. Strangely aggravated my lower back which has been killing me. At least it left my shoulder alone (left my pack in the car). Still it was a nice hike in good company felt like a last hurrah.

Job search so far unpromising. Time to fill out app in time alloted very annoying. Particularly frustrating are those that require manual input of all data.

Used apt. complex gym for first time ever last night. Focused primarily on rotator cuff strengthening. No barbell or lower body strength equipment. Settled for some dumbbell squats.

At night in bed my mind is filled with poetic prose to fill these pages. Or so it seems. I suspect it is actually like all the brilliance I thought was last when I was smoking pot with my friends. Then I started bringing a tape recorder to our sessions and discovered that what I thought was brilliance was anything but. It was the beginning of the end for me on that. I continued to use recreationally for several years afterward, but it lost it's luster when I figured out it was just that, recreational. When I finally accepted that it did long term harm, it was over. Still, I like to think that I'm not entirely fooling myself and that my writing talent hasn't been entirely lost over the years. We shall see, but not today.

Feeling bummed that I will not be going to the MD Open this weekend. One of the big ones and I tend to do well in it. But entrance fee and gas costs are prohibitive. Add in my license problems and the car being on its last leg and it's definitely out.

More to bitch and whine about but I should pace myself.

Oh, and at least one person out there may have discovered themselves unable to comment as they didn't have an LJ account. I've fixed that, should they care.

Off now for a run and maybe some climbing (skipped all this week). Check in again in the morning.

exercise, pot, writing, car, employment

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