Nov 23, 2008 13:23
Over a year now since my last real update (web comic commentary doesn't count). A part of me tells me to just ditch and delete this journal, that I should stick with the short updates on Facebook (Max DeWolfe if you're interested). But this is oddly similar to the inner voice which is telling me to tidy up and get my affairs in order so that I can remove myself from the stage. As bad as things are, I'm not going there yet. In the end, I have no real rational reason for wanting to keep up the journal, I just want to and think I should. Perhaps I'm just being pig-headed.
A year's time and not much has actually happened. I'm still in a temp job that pays not nearly enough. They have been very happy with my work, enough so that my chronic tardiness has only gotten me a dressing down rather than fired. Recently I was informed I would be filling in for a clerk at another site. I was chosen because I already had gathered some of the skills with their system that they need. I'll be getting a crash course from the clerk there on further duties. I will, in effect, be doing the tasks of an admin III (I am presently doing the duties of an admin II). Great, new skills. Except that I am presently being paid as per a receptionist, and at the bottom of that range as well. So yeah, the resumes continue to go out.
I wouldn't mind quite so much if I were in the black, but I'm far from there. I continue to have to borrow money from Dad, and he's been hurting some thanks to the stock crash. I cannot continue like this. I can save a bit by emptying my storage unit soon, and I continue to shop for groceries based on the kilocalories per dollar system (goal, $200 per month or less for foodstuffs). But it's not enough, especially considering the additional expenses I now face.
I've got a new apartment out in Centreville (address to be given in a friends only post later). A 2 bedroom that I'm sharing. The neighborhood is great and I'm saving some in rent, but much of that is being eaten up in transportation. That problem is exacerbated by my cat situation.
I've found out that Shorty is diabetic. I have accumulated over $2500 of debt with Care Credit on him. The biggest expenses are past, but I'm still shelling out a great deal on insulin and he's still eating and drinking too much and going through more litter than normal. He also needs 2 shots a day. This means I can't ever just stay out after work. I have to drive home and give him his shot and drive back if I want to go anywhere. I've indulged myself some in driving back for yoga and climbing and go club, but even given the new lower gas prices I've got to cut this out.
Speaking of transportation, the car is on its last legs. I don't even have the funds to get it ready for safety inspection (needs new window and distributor housing). It's been making some noises and burning more oil than usual. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because if the car goes I'm totally screwed. Public transit takes $5 dollars and 3 hours each way to my place of work.
So the hole keeps getting deeper, but I'm not buried yet. Just in case I've been taking note of the various homeless services available here. Going to look for sources on what it takes to live out of one's car soon.
Ok, done crying now. What am I up to when I'm not fretting about the future. Really just climbing and working. I still update my go games on the net, but haven't really been able to make time to go to the club or play live games. Need to manage my time better.
A lot of time has been taken up with practicing my typing at various sites as well. I've been making significant progress, but it has been slow. Unusually slow even given my age. I've also noticed abysmal performance in various brain games. I can blame some on my lack of sleep and the fact that I'm often working without a mouse on my laptop, but this doesn't nearly cover all of it, particularly given past performance. There is a history of senility and mental illness on my mother's side. I'm concerned that I may be losing it prematurely. But there's not much I can do about it now other than cross my fingers, keep pushing, and try to get some sleep.
Sleep's been a little rough lately. Have an air mattress with a slow leak. I think the sinking is bad for my back. Got a painful twinge in my neck/shoulder Thursday night while traversing. Got so bad overnight that I had to take the next day off. It's gotten better since, but I still have limited range of motion. One of the things I've got in storage is a firm couch I can sleep on. I'll try to get a coworker w. a truck to help me out with that soon.
I have Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. I'd rather be working. I'll likely spend most of my time with my nose in a prob. and stat. book studying for actuarial exams. I was also thinking of cooking a goose. It's a big expense, but I can spread the cost through many meals, so possibly justifiable. I want the practice.
Need to do some laundry now. Plan to do some calisthenics w. ab work and go for a run as well. If I have time and energy I'll go to the gym afterwards.