Aug 16, 2007 19:21
All sorts of things to update that I'm simply not going to get around to. The end of the Boston trip, including the ride back from hell (which seems not so hellish now), the 23rd Annual Go Congress, the trip to West VA to help out a friend, the impounding of my care. If you're really dying to know about any of this, ask me about it.
So I was walking home last Friday night (technically Saturday morning) from the King Street metro as I had missed the last bus coming back from go club. I wasn't paying enough attention to my surroundings and I was about 30 ft. from my door I got hit from behind before I even knew I was being approached. After some strong blows to my head I surrendered my wallet to my 3 attackers. They took the cash out, threw it back, and with a last kick that put my face into the pavement and broke my glasses they walked off.
The police were fairly quick to respond when I called 911. The gash over my left eye was losing a lot of blood and I got taken to emergency right away. There I got 7 stitches in my eyebrow, 12 in my lid and a ct scan which showed my orbital/occipital bone (I've heard both terms, need to check w. doctor/anatomy book) to be fractured. Got a voucher to get a cab back 4 hours later.
The swelling has been going down gradually. Had a follow-up w. a doctor on Tuesday. Things were looking much better, but I'm still a mess (expect at least one gross picture in the future). The bone is still out of place. The doctor and I are hoping that the bone will move back into place and my eye will function normally as the swelling goes down. Two days later that seems to be the case, but I won't know for sure until next Tuesday that surgery has been ruled out.
The swelling was down enough today that I felt comfortable with going in for an eye exam (never found the left lens, so I'm effectively a cyclops right now). The vision seemed fine except for the usual near-sightedness, but it became clear during the exam that there's more than that. I'm hoping that it's just some temporary junk in my eye that's going to clear up as I heal. In any case, I'm at least going to have to get a new exam and prescription for my left eye when the healing is done. Another bummer is that my myopia is extreme enought that my lenses have to be ordered and that it will be at least a weak until I get my new glasses.
All along people have been expressing shock and support. It's interesting to see the different take different people have on the matter according to their own priorities and viewpoint. I love the expressions of concern and support, but it is getting to be a little tiresome. I'm also dissappointed in the focus on the assailants getting caught and justice being served. Not that they don't deserve it or that the world wouldn't be a better place if they do. I'm just not going to let whether or not they get away have any importance to me. The best revenge is a life well lived (who said that?) and that's my intent. Sure, I'm a victim. But there's no point on dwelling on the matter. I've got a life to live and don't have time for this eye-for-an-eye bullshit.
To put it in perspective, a couple days ago I discovered someone I knew from BNDC days was struggling w. breast cancer. I've got no room to complain.