Nov 04, 2005 16:59
The trip to Lancaster was only 2 hours than the expected 3 that google and mapquest quoted. I swear, I don't drive that fast. Interesting that mapquest had me going all along the beltway, but google trusted me enough to send me via 395/295 (although it had me connect in a fashion I hadn't tried before so now want to check out).
The workshop has been great fun. 12 hours/day of go geeky glory. Lecture in the morning, then we kyu players go up and play some games while the dan players get commentary. Then lunch and another lecture and we switch w. the dan players. Then dinner, and a final lecture. We weaker players finished early today so I have time to say hi.
Having a pro comment on your game makes you realize how weak you really are.
I forgot to bring my bedroll for sleeping on Chuck's floor, so I caved to temptation and got permission to use the visa to get a motel room next door for three nights. Yeah, I'm a wimp.
Slept for 11 hours last night. The constant drone of trucks along rte.30 affected me not a bit. Still feel a bit sleepy, but mostly caught up.
Sugar feening was bothering me, so I've been trying to cut back (beer instead of soda at Fudruckers last night, water w. a salad at McD's for lunch). If someone pushes me to diet I'll live on hot fudge sundaes out of spit. But this excessive desire for junk I've had has had me cot down out of the same pugnacious insistence on not being pushed around. Of course, I'm far hungrier now. Every moment until I eat is anguish. Every bite is joy.
I'm having too much fun to honestly say I miss you all. But hey, I'm think of you so that should count for something.