Hear ye! Hear ye! You have all been leading far too interesting lives and/or posting too many interesting things. I cannot simultaneously keep and while properly avoiding my own responsibilities. You are ordered to cease and desist. Now.
Just some quick stuff.
Still no job. Think I've got to lower my standards...again.
Opened and closed NOVA go club again Monday. I hope they don't come to take me as a reliable back-up. That's not a commitment I'm willing to make.
My sister is visiting for a week. Of course she spends all her time doing chores for the folks. Generally great, except that in her endeavour to be a "good" daughter she always manages to leap across that line from helpful to annoying. She is the very model of a fussbudget. Fortunately I don't have to spend much time around.
The Munchkin came and visited along w. my aunt Carol from Wednesday to Saturday. Contrary to my expectations and to my delight, she seems to be adjusting well to Cortez and enjoying school. She's even taking riding lessons.
On Thursday Sis came by unannounced to drop off the Munchkin. This is why I was reluctant to let the fam know where I live. I knew I couldn't count on them to respect personal boundaries. Those shocked to hear my attitude will be further disappointed that I didn't invite them in.
I took the Munchkin to see "The Corpse Bride". Not too challenging but fun and touching and they fortunately didn't break into song too often. Short though.
Go on Friday was fun, though it's been quiet lately. I defeated Edmund 10kish at 4 stones. Once again I underestimated my own score in my count. This is becoming really bothersome. I do it fairly consistently. It's disturbing to find blind spots w.in one's on psyche. Then I got to play two games w. Simon 4danish. Won by resign. w. 4 stones and lost by resign. w. 3. Then lost to Marian by 12 points in a 4 stone game. She was hot that night. Others present were Hal and Betsy and Horatio.
Last night and today has been spent on online geekage and tv. It sometimes seems I bring out odd problems from things. I've signed up for
Google Personalized Search as well as Yahoo's
My Web 2.0 Search. The first is not acknowledging that I've clicked any of the links in my searches. On flickr, my tags weren't acknowledged for a couple days. My dvr sometimes arbitrarily decides to just not record something in queu for no apparent reason. Some of my ABC recordings come w. Spanish subtitles even though I have those options turned off. I am not superstitious, but sometimes I feel like I'm jinxed.
You are sad because of your grief
Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people brought to you by
Quizilla Not the option I would have chosen, but whatever.