whoa, April!

Apr 02, 2009 08:47

My family has been so, so sick, myself included. There is some miserable, reoccurring stomach bug that has us vomiting and, uh, hanging out in the 'loo. On top of that, the respiratory junk perseveres and it's especially gluey and evil in poor B's lungs. Man, it's been a rough road. I want the weather to break so I can throw open the windows and air this stuff out! Dealing with a sick kid is difficult at times, but dealing with two sick octogenarians is definitely a circle in hell. I'ma leave it at that, heh.

Beyond the body functions, life has been pretty sweet. That sounds goofy but I mean it. Having the ability to cook for my family, to really comfort them when they are sick and, honestly, taking care of myself as well- fuck that martyr noise- is such an incredible blessing and one that I have been hyper-aware of as of late. I haven't been able to make it to derby practice all week and while that sucks (especially with a bout this weekend!) for it's own reasons, it's been a relief to not be running somewhere or having to hand off a task to someone else or to promise that I'd be able to do something "later".

I have the second wave of seeds started in the sunny window. Some of the first little tomatoes sprouts are popping up from the first batch, so exciting! When the puke is no longer imminent, I need to load up a few bins of horse poop and haul them in for the soon-to-be garden patch.

***HEY are there any readers of NOAH LEVINE?*** I'm thinking of picking up the Dharma Punx book for Mike's birthday in May, but the snippets I glimpsed online didn't make an impression on me either way.
I'd really like to find him something, book on tape for his drive to work or a book/book, heck even a recommended album, that might help him to entertain the idea or a way to peace and positivity that doesn't mean selling out for someone else's vision.

*** I wear an old Dharma Punx hoodie, it was gifted to me from a freebox in Eugene and since I'm a kerouac fan, I couldn't resist. I've been vaguely aware of Levine's movement and that is in fact where the hoodie hails from (although hoodies are $60 online, whoa, that just paints a vivid picture to me.. free boxing a $60 buddhist sweatshirt) but I haven't read his works.
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